Php Code – Codemeets– 02

php code lesson 2. Today we going to learn more about php. In this tutorial, we will focus on HTML, Variable, Strings, Numbers, and Operations. It can provide extensive knowledge.


You can see below html tag use in your php file.

echo "<h1>Micke</h1>";
echo "<hr>";
echo "<h1>Jhone</h1>"

Use Variable

Variables are used to store information to be referenced and manipulated in a computer program. They also provide a way of labeling data with a descriptive name, so our programs can be understood more clearly by the reader and ourselves. It is helpful to think of variables as containers that hold information. Their sole purpose is to label and store data in memory. This data can then be used throughout your

Now you know what is variable, let’s use it php code.

$charname ="Jhone";
$charage = '18';
echo "my name is = $charname";
echo "<br>";
echo "my age = $charage"; ?>

Working with Strings

string is traditionally a sequence of characters. now you can see how to work it. Look at Example.

$pharase = "Hello World";

Code Output
echo strtoupper ($pharase); HELLO WORLD
echo strtolower ($pharase); hello world
echo strlen ($pharase); 10
echo pharase[1]; e
echo str_replace("Hello","Hay",$pharase); Hay World
echo substr ($pharase,6); ld
echo substr ($pharase,4,7); owor


Working With Numbers

Every computer language uses numbers in particular. This is because it allows you to easily control the data. let show you how to work with numbers in php.

echo 5;    //5
echo 5 + 9;   //14

$num = 10;
$num ++;
echo $num;  //11


In mathematics we use different operations i.e. maximum value, square root, fall. They are also used differently in programming. The following example will give you a broader understanding.

Name Syntax Output
Power echo pow(2,4); 16
Square root echo sqrt(144); 12
Max Number echo max(10,20,30); 30
Min Number echo min (10,20,30); 10
Round echo round (3.2); 3
NOT echo abs(-100); 100
Max Round echo ceil(3.2); 4
Min Round echo floor(3.8); 3


Special Example for Lesson 02


    • First get square root in x.

    • y is max round number.

    • z is positive number.

    • R is X+Z/Y.

    • (X=144, Y=2.2, Z=-33)

    • Find R?

$x = 144;
$y = 2.2;
$z = -33;
$x1 = sqrt($x);
$y1 = ceil($y);
$z1 = abs($z);
$R1 = $x1 + $z1;
$R = $R1 / $y1;
echo "R";
$x = 144;
$y = 2.2;
$z = -33;
$x1 = sqrt($x);
$y1 = ceil($y);
$z1 = abs($z);
$R1 = $x1 + $z1;
$R = $R1 / $y1;
echo "R = ";
echo $R;

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